Regd : 40471400761/14 , Unique ID : Govt. of India OR/2017/0161452

 Our Vision 

Towards a healthy,socialy uplifted, and environmentally conscious and educated  society for rural and tribal India.
UTKAL NEEDS aims to fight not only hunger malnutrition and change the undeveloped village life to a social reforming civilized village life in India but also to bring children to school and there by provide for education Under take hospitals for developed hospitality, Emphasis& create awareness on plantation
UTKAL NEEDS is a non-profit organization that aims to operate on a Public-Private-Partnership model. Implementing partner of the Health care and village development Scheme, there is a steady support from the State Governments and associated organizations.
Now UTKAL NEEDS, runs with part support from the Government, also depends on corporate funds, philanthropic donors, volunteers and well-wishers for managing such massive operation.
The organization is highly transparent and makes available not only the financial information but also intellectual property to the public. The organization is of the belief that there is a dire need for the operations of UTKAL NEEDS to be replicated so that it realizes the vision that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger suffering with iron deficiency anemia...” And hence make available all information to organizations, Government and other enthusiasts